Our vision is a world where every person has access to the information, inspiration and tools to make a difference, and where great social change ideas can emerge and communities can create their own future. To do that, we are on a mission to inspire and empower social entrepreneurs, grassroots media and civil society groups stepping in to solve the problems where governments and bureaucracies have failed. They are scattered across the MENA region – in Tunisia, Syria, Libya or Yemen… What unite them is their purpose as social mission-driven entrepreneurs. They have powerful ideas to improve people’s lives and they are already implementing changes anonymously quietly in their communities.
We work with the most marginalised groups and regions not only because it is where the needs are the biggest, but it is also where the soil is the most fertile for social change. Women, disabled groups and marginalised regions who sometimes never had the opportunity to participate have shown incredible drive and potential to support their communities.
We strive to provide these citizen-led initiatives with a creative and supportive environment to succeed in their social enterprise and make a positive change. We work with them to grow, professionalise their skills and take it to the next level of social impact.
Certainly, the road ahead will be long and rocky but I am hopeful that together MENA-can do it! With Human Rights as our shared moral compass, join us in MENA-can, our movement of hope and contribute to make our world better.