Why us?
Our experience, values and what we stand for

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is our constitution and DNA. It inspires and guides our actions to build a society embodying humanity and solidarity. We love the MENA region. We see its enormous potential to do good. We are passionate about empowering its people so they can transform their lives for the better.  

Central to our philosophy is the belief that communities hold invaluable knowledge. Our approach is bottom-up, forging partnerships with local initiatives and individuals who are the engines for change. We provide tailored support, amplifying their unique strengths and ensuring they have the essential resources and guidance needed for their projects to thrive.

This approach allows us to make a tangible, sustainable difference in the lives of those we aim to serve throughout the MENA region.

In essence, our focus can be encapsulated in several key principles:          

  • Human rights, human rights and human rights. We are passionate about Human rights to such an extent that we have dedicated ourselves to transforming these values from ideals into realities.
  • Inclusive of all: No one should be ever left behind. Because true peace and justice can only be achieved with the participation of everyone, we want to do more for people who are the most marginalised, these are often communities in remote regions, women, the disabled, minorities and migrants.
  • Gender transformative: Invest in women and you change the world. Women are the greatest change maker. We have a gender transformative approach that we mainstream in collaboration with our partners.   


  • Inspiring optimism. We can do it! The tremendous resilience of local communities to thrive, have instilled within us an unshakeable belief in a brighter future if only we care, trust and work hard. It is a contagious and transformative energy that we want to spread far, loud and wide.
  • Community-Centric: MENA-can is by and for the people it serves. They know their issues the best and we are here to provide the support they need to succeed. 
  • The power of exchange and learning: Knowledge and people are power. We foster a collaborative community, encouraging mutual support and continuous learning among all involved.