

“We have
a dream…”

Yes, MENA-can

Our vision is a world where every person has access to the information, inspiration and tools to make a difference, and where great social change ideas can emerge and communities can create their own future. To do that, we are on a mission to inspire and empower social entrepreneurs, grassroots media and civil society groups stepping in to solve the problems where governments and bureaucracies have failed.

Who we are?

We are a group of women and male feminists from the MENA region, on a mission to create a ripple effect of positive change in the MENA region.

We bring a wealth of learning and insight from our long experience in the frontlines supporting media and civil society.

What we do?

MENA-can is all about fostering a community  who are committed to making a difference. We empower local activists and journalists in the MENA region to serve their communities. 

why we do it?

The world is currently going through unprecedent changes from global warming, technological disruption, conflicts and economic uncertainties and witnessing frustration, it's more than ever time to step up and be part of the solution.


How we do it?

We inspire and support individuals, civil society and media organizations. MENA-can acts as a transformational hub providing capacity-building and a network of support facilitating knowledge exchange and connection to find, test and scale solutions. 

We Start locally

We work with our  communities, on the ground, sometimes in some of the most challenging environments, growing their capacities to address local needs.   

We collaborate regionally

We connect like-minded change-makers regionally, fostering a robust exchange of knowledge and collaboration.

We share globally

We amplify local voices and match them with the global  ecosystem, so that our local efforts resonate on a global stage, contributing to a broader dialogue. 


Join the MENA-can change-making movement

MENA-can is a change-making movement for all individuals who aspire to make a positive impact in their communities. We are not only dreaming and envisioning change, we want to actively create it.

It is a call to ACTION now, for everyone to participate, be an agent of change and create a better future for all.

The MENA Region

+ 0 M
+ 0 %
Population under 30
+ 0 %
Living in cities
+ 0 %
Internet penetration

The Golden team





Power Engine

Mohamed Amin

Web Developper



Success stories

Journalism Under Fire: Yemen’s brave journalists and the importance of solidarity

Inspiring and unlocking potential in Tunisia, women using tech to wider perspectives and opportunities